The Trailer For Will Smith’s New Movie ‘Concussion’ Has Dropped, And Will Terrify The NFL


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The trailer for the hotly anticipated ‘Concussion’ has hit the internet today, with Will Smith staring in the title role.

The film will focus on the NFL and their reaction to head injuries, and will probably make a few people shift uncomfortably in their seats.

It really does make you question just how safe the sport is – and shows that the NFL, along with rugby and even football, or as the USA know it, soccer, need to take a long, hard look at how they deal with head injuries.

Will Smith stars as Bennet Omalu, a Pittsburgh forensic pathologist, who discovered the link between repeated head injuries and chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) back in 2002.

He did this after examining the brain of former Pittsburgh Steeler Mike Webster, who died from a heart attack at only 50, and had battled severe depression and dementia prior to that.

CTE causes depression, dementia and other behavioural changes, and since the discovery, serious questions have been asked about just how safe the contact sport is, with dozens of former NFL players dying due to CTE.

cteBleacher Report

Doctors at Boston University’s CTE Centre found 76 out of the 79 brains of former deceased players to have CTE in them, with many of the former players committing suicide and displaying massive changes in their personality after retirement from the game.

The film focuses on Omalu’s discovery, and might just be one that NFL players want to avoid.