It seems that not everyone is too happy about London voting in the city’s first ever Muslim Mayor.
Well, I say ‘not everyone’ – what I actually mean by that is vile, tiny brained racists.
Since Sadiq Khan was formerly announced as the new new Mayor of London on Friday it seems that a small but predictably vocal minority can’t seem to get over the fact that he is a Muslim, reports i100.

While a lot of the commentary surrounding Khan’s faith has of course been positive, some people are attempting to denounce him in any way they can.
On Twitter, the hashtag #LondonHasFallen was hijacked by Khan’s opponents with many of them using the phrase to tweet racist thoughts:
How long will it be before Londonistan bans alcohol? #LondonHasFallen
— Supreme Dark Lord (@voxday) May 7, 2016
@DarklyEnlightLM @RavenHUWolf What R they going 2 do after they turn every cntry in2 the same 3rd wrld s**thole they left? Kill each other?
— John Pauly (@john_johnpii) May 7, 2016
@DarklyEnlightLM @TheThetruth1123 rip Londen. ..
— Joop Fillekes (@JoopFillekes) May 7, 2016
Most of them are entirely non-sensical and all of them give a startling insight into the garbage filled caverns of racist minds – what the fuck is wrong with people?
Fortunately however, most of Londoners are neither raving lunatics nor idiotic bigots, with the vast majority trying to reverse the negativity, making jokes out of the hashtag, or simply denouncing it:
It's barely been a day and already the Queen is wearing a hijab #LondonHasFallen pic.twitter.com/O7GH0890Mf
— Rohan (@Chops8592) May 7, 2016
#LondonHasFallen tweeted from a Japanese phone, eating Indian food, in one of the most diverse cities in the world #Idiots
— ᏠᏗᎷᎥΞ⑂ (@jxmielannister) May 7, 2016
To all the Muslims reading the #LondonHasFallen hashtag your diversity and skills are welcome here, we value you in our battle against IS
— Rachel (@OpenMindMH) May 7, 2016
Oh my goodness #londonhasfallen pic.twitter.com/qiRBOiPpBq
— Darshan Sanghrajka (@chiefchimpanzee) May 7, 2016
If you ever want to see a collection of shrieking, hysterical racists, check out the #LondonHasFallen tag. 2016 is too much for these fools.
— Rob Hill (@robvanriot) May 7, 2016
Twitter users effortlessly slapping down #LondonHasFallen and turning it into a parody has restored my faith in people. Good work y'all.
— Duncan Lindsay (@DuncanLindsay) May 7, 2016
#LondonHasFallen All music to be banned, except for Quran Quran
— Alistair Coleman (@alistaircoleman) May 7, 2016
It’s obviously great that people are shutting down the racists but – call me naive – for fuck’s sake, it’s 2016!
Our sincere congratulations to Sadiq Khan!
Deeply honoured to take this oath. I will be a Mayor for all Londoners. pic.twitter.com/u1GXBkRvDZ
— Sadiq Khan (@SadiqKhan) May 7, 2016