Following a successful Kickstarter campaign, because who wouldn’t donate some cash to see a new Harry Potter film, Broad Strokes have launched a teaser for Severus Snape and The Marauders and it looks amazing.
The film will take a look at the life of Harry Potter’s parents before the Boy Who Lived was born, and will chronicle the adventures of James, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew, while also giving us a look at the relationship between James and Lily, not to mention throwing Severus Snape into the mix.
As fans of Harry Potter will know, Snape didn’t have the easiest of times at school and was in love with Harry’s mother Lily, who was dating James, and to see the back story behind Snape’s decisions acted out is a thrilling prospect.
The film will star Mick Ignis, Dani Jae, Zachary David , Garrett Schweighauser, Kevin Allen and Paul Stanko and is directed by Justin Zagri.
This is the synopsis:
Set in 1978 just after Harry Potter’s father James graduates from Hogwarts, he and his friends Sirius Black, Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew celebrate at a bar, contemplating their place in a war they are to soon become a part of. When Severus Snape enters the same bar, James Potter decides to do something about Snape once and for all.