For years, these nuns have been attempting to make the cannabis market ‘a healing industry instead of a stoner industry’, and who can blame them?
The Sisters of the Valley have been fighting back against the Merced city bosses in California, to continue running their modest garage weed farm and make marijuana products to sell on their Etsy store.

Officials recently decided to ban medicinal weed and it’s not gone down well with these Sisters. Since the ruling last week, they’ve started a petition to protect weed rights in California’s central valley, and their thriving business of course.
To get behind the cause even further, the nuns have made several local news appearances to get their point across, arguing: “Cannabis is agriculture, and the central valley of California should not turn its back on Mother Nature’s most effective medicinal plant.”

Medicinal marijuana is legal in California, but the state governors have given each state the power to overrule the legislation if they want to, and Merced obviously isn’t a big fan of the cannabis nunnery.
Although the Sisters could very well be a carefully-executed marketing ploy for their cannabis business, they are honest about the fact the nunnery isn’t affiliated with any established religions.

Speaking with The Guardian, Sister Kate said: “We are completely illegal, banned through commerce and banned through growing. They made criminals out of us overnight.”
They are not actually affiliated with any ‘traditional earthly religion’ and started dressing like nuns to spark the movement – but they’re no frauds. They’re more of a spiritual order focused on healing and spreading positive health with cannabis oils. Fair play to them.

To help beat state bosses you can buy their products here or sign their petition to beat Merced’s ban.