These Guys Climbing An Insanely Tall Skyscraper Is Incredible

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If you have anything even remotely resembling a fear of heights this video will make you about as uncomfortable as you can get sitting in a chair.


The guys from @ontheroofs – a group of daredevil urban explorers and adrenalin fuelled crazy people – have released footage of a recent trip they made up a huge skyscraper in China.

The Shun Hing Square Tower is a 384-metre-tall (1,260 ft) building in Shenzhen, and on top of that it has a 59 metre spire.

This makes it the third tallest in Shenzhen and 28th tallest in the world – so pretty fucking tall then.


Just watching the video made me feel sick, so how the hell these guys do what they do is beyond me. Fair play to them though, the footage is incredible, and they’ve come away with what has got to be one of the most impressive selfies you’ll ever see.


I’m off for a lie down.