Is there any such thing as a ‘perfect’ body type? Does it even exist, and if so, is there one standardized image that everyone around the world expects to see?
That is the question that decided to ask, and did so by asking graphic designers from around the world to use photoshop to do it, in an experiment called ‘Perceptions of Perfection’.
They were sent a standardised image of a woman – and asked to photoshop it into their ‘ideal’ body type and idea of ‘perfection’.
Both men and women were asked and the results are vastly different, with some of the women curvy, others slender and some thin, showing that the idea of beauty is subjective to the person being asked.
What’s amazing to see is the fact that all these women are different, and none actually look the same as the standard image everyone was sent, showing that beauty really is subjective – and had you asked a different person from the same country, you would probably get a vastly different result.