Online dating is a weird place nowadays, especially on Tinder.
Generally, Tinder messages tend to go one of two ways. There’s the typical, “Hi, how are you” scenario, where a person genuinely wants to find out more about you. Or, alternatively, some guys and gals go straight from one to 11 in an instant with a simple, “Hey, wanna f*ck?”
However, a less travelled conversational route is for a woman to tell her Tinder matches that she’s currently menstruating. It’s arguably even more brazen a tactic than the old penis pic trick (seriously, has that ever worked, guys?).
One writer on Styleite decided to test what would happen if she actually messaged men telling them she was currently on her period, and the results were fascinating.
Far from all recoiling in disgust, many of the guys’ responses were refreshing, as they actually showed sympathy and were nice about the whole thing. Imagine…
Of course there were also those lads who had only one thing in mind and were desperate to find out when she’d be period free…
It also worked as a super effective way of immediately shutting down chats with guys she didn’t like, apparently…
These boys just made a joke about the whole thing…
And then there was this guy…