This Guy Draws Famous Cities From Memory And They’re Unbelievable

Stefan Bleekrode

One artist from the Netherlands has been blowing people’s minds with his cityscape drawings…

Stefan Bleekrode has only been painting for eight years, but he spends days, weeks or even months recreating cities he’s visited from memory and they’re absolutely amazing.

Stefan Bleekrode

The series, called Cityscapes, stemmed from his massive passion for travelling and since the age of 10 has had a fascination of cities. He created imaginary ones before he fulfilled his love of travel.

Stefan reconstructs his impression of places from around the world in pen and ink and tries to include all the finer details from different perspectives, as well as the major landmarks which the cities are known for.

Stefan Bleekrode

In the case of a ‘creative emergency’ he may have a peek at a photo, but only as support, as he tries to create the same sensations of when he’s actually visiting these wonderful places.

Speaking on his website the self-taught artist describes his cityscapes as, ‘snapshots of things I’ve seen when travelling or just going through my everyday routine, small bits of beauty in everyday settings.’

Stefan Bleekrode

What a talented lad!