This Guy Got Surgery To Fix His Stretched Earlobes


We’ve always wondered what would happen if you actually became sick of having those massive holes in your ears after stretching them and wearing plugs.

Do you just have to let your earlobes flap around in the breeze for the rest of your life?

Well, now we have our answer as one lad opted to have his earlobes surgically repaired after years of wearing gauges. And Canadian outlet CBC News have been kind enough to upload the video of him getting the corrective surgery.

Fascinating as it is, however, this one really isn’t for the faint of heart!

Kurt Barnett got plugs which stretched his earlobes at the age of 19, but as he got older and started working in a job doing spray-foam installation, he realised the plugs interfered with the gas mask he has to wear for safety.

So, to solve the problem, he went to Dr. Julie Khanna in Oakville, Ontario, who specialises in cosmetic plastic surgery and is familiar with the corrective procedure.

She said:

We’re seeing more and more patients wanting the fix, because the peak of earlobe spacers was about 5–10 years ago. So that group is out of high school, looking for work, and all of a sudden going, ‘I don’t think I want this anymore.’

Basically, the procedure involves a lot of cutting and stitching back together. So much so, that Khanna actually shows Barnett the large pieces of his ear she had to remove! Lovely…

But the main thing is, Barnett said he was satisfied with the results.

He added:

It feels good, I don’t have to look at these big holes in my ears anymore!