This Is How A Gold Medal Gymnast Pitches A Baseball


Olympic gold medal winner, Laurie Hernandez, wowed baseball fans with an acrobatic display that’d make Spider-Man jealous. 

Back on September 3, Laurie, who triumphed in the gymnastics at the Rio games, threw the first pitch before the New York Mets took on the Washington Nationals, The Huffington Post reports.

Of course, being an Olympic champion, Laurie couldn’t just throw the ball underarm now could she?

Instead, the athlete launched into an aerial cartwheel, casually throwing her legs over her head before coming to a graceful landing and throwing the baseball to the batter.

Unfortunately, the actual throw wasn’t the best but I can’t judge, my throw would have been far, far worse.

Laurie wasn’t the only Olympic gymnast trying to interject some flair into baseball – her teammate Madison Kocian also showed off her gymnastics skills for a pitch at the Texas Rangers versus Houston Astros game.

At least someone’s trying to make baseball fun to watch…