This Is The Moment A Rugby Player’s Penis Was Almost Torn Off In Tackle

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This is the eye-watering moment a rugby league player nearly had his manhood ripped off in a tackle.

AS Carcassonne forward Hadyn Peacock was playing the French Elite One match against UTC when the unthinkable happened – Peacock’s manhood was grasped by a UTC player, who used it to wrestle him to the ground, The Mirror reports.

Unknowing of the full extent of his injury, he battled through the pain and played on until half-time.


But after the game, the 23-year-old was forced to have 11 stitches inserted into his nether regions in order to secure the skin back together. Think about that for a second. 11 stitches.


He told French Footy:

I’ve never really had any big injuries playing footy.

When we played UTC the other week their centre pretty much ripped my dick off.

He made a tackle by reaching out and grabbing my dick. Have you seen the photo? It’s a classic. They put it on the front page of the paper.

Most people would probably take a break from the game if their penis was practically torn off in a match. But it didn’t stop Peacock from playing on.

The Australian-born player said he was forced by his coach to strap up after refusing to buy a cup to protect his genitalia, because it would prevent him from running properly.


And the whole situation didn’t really seem to phase him. He said: “It’s all good now. I got the stitches out and it’s all sweet. No dramas.”


He’s either out of his mind or a legend. I can’t decide.