Did you ever wag school? Pretend to be ill? Not go back after dinner? Well, while we don’t condone that full stop, you definitely don’t want to do it at this school.
Photographs this week emerged online of a teenager’s bleeding hands. The cause? The pupil was forced to walk on them by a teacher after being caught cutting class.
Parents have been up in arms after discovering the photos, which show the damage that a P.E. teacher at Xixiang Middle School in the city of Shenzhen, south China, allegedly caused.
Below is a letter written by the accused pupils, describing the incident to both their parents and school officials.

According to reports, the teacher in question, who is only an intern, attempted to instil discipline by making the pupils walk on their hands for a long period of time – and the results are pretty grim.
However, in an unexpected turn of events, the pupils have shown support for their teacher – and have all admitted to attempting to truant from school. The kids even went as far as asking their parents NOT to blame the school for their harsh punishment.
It’s not the first time school officials from China have been heavily criticised for their disciplinary methods – with this story being one of a handful this year alone.
Moral of the story? Stay in school, you rascals.