If you’ve ever watched Harry Potter, you know who Marcus Flint is.
Those teeth were the stuff of nightmares for kids who watched The Chamber of Secrets – and although he was a minor character, Slytherin’s grimacing villain (played by Jamie Yeates) is not easy to forget.
He had a face only a mother would love. And even as captain of his Quidditch team, Marcus Flint was never destined to have any luck with the ladies.
If you walked by him today though, you’d never know.
He’s officially pulled a Neville Longbottom:
#ElActorDelDía: Jamie Yeates https://t.co/iJhSQV6ryC pic.twitter.com/BaSyotuNgl
— Isobel Ross (@isobelrss) January 11, 2016
Yup, that’s Marcus Flint. And it definitely proves the Harry Potter boys do puberty right.
Considering Jamie’s co-star, Matthew Lewis AKA Neville Longbottom used to look like this:
Check out these Child Stars now, you won't believe what Neville Longbottom looks like now!https://t.co/2hPTcKDUmH… pic.twitter.com/TXOetZw0lb
— TrendingTen (@TRENDlNGTEN) January 28, 2016
And now looks like this:
New photos have emerged proving Neville Longbottom (aka Matthew Lewis) is still … – https://t.co/DuOnzYG1UB pic.twitter.com/4aQoM8e8sU
— Popular Post (@popularpostnet) April 14, 2016
Yeah, there’s a slight difference.
While Lewis has stayed acting since his last appearance in Harry Potter, Jamie’s IMBD says he hasn’t done any acting work since appearing in The Chamber of Secrets, which he starred in when he was 18.
But there are pictures of the now 32-year-old seemingly modelling on Google, so he may have ditched acting to take on the modelling industry instead. It’s not hard to see why.