If you’ve ever imagine a nuclear war, it probably starts with a big red button.
Then a mushroom cloud ends the lives of everyone you know.
It’s not the merriest of thoughts, but as it turns out, it’s not entirely accurate either – the button isn’t big or red.
And if you imagined an easy process, it’s quite the opposite. According to The Times, it’s ‘a complex sequence involving five officers’.
Basically, it starts with a submarine holding the warheads and a coded message with authorisation from the British Prime Minister through a top-secret radio frequency.
Someone would say the words ‘action stations, missile for strategic launch’, and then the deliverer of doom presses the button on the orange controller of destruction.
Cue mushroom cloud.
With Britain and its Nato allies on the brink of nuclear conflict with Russia, let’s hope no one gets their finger on the trigger soon.