With the disunity and enraged estrangement most countries have with each other, you’d think they have forgotten that we were once one big land mass, without borders or intolerant patriotism.
For anyone still living in the delusion that our individual countries have always held such significance, our continents only broke up about 175 million years ago from the super-continent of Pangaea.
Pangaea did not have borders, but an artist has created a map of the huge connected land mas with modern political borders, and it’s surprising to see which countries would be next to each other if we were all together.

Our Great British Isles were certainly not an island (in fact we’ve only been an island since an ancient tsunami flooded our land-links to Europe 8,000 years ago) but bordered France, Norway and Ireland.
The good ol’ U.S.A neighboured Morocco – which President Trump may have been pretty uncomfortable with – and Brazil, far from boasting its famous beaches, was completely landlocked, instead bordering with Namibia and the Congo.
Shockingly Tibet wasn’t attached to China – a time they’d probably be keen to return to – but Australia, which in turn borders with Antarctica, which is next to India and Sri Lanka.

You can see a high-resolution version of the map here.
In the words of the great John Lennon:
Imagine there’s no countries, it isn’t hard to do. Nothing to kill or die for, and no religion too. Imagine all the people, living life in peace.
Maybe we should all chill the fuck out about borders and love each other instead, because we were once one.