This Model Earns More From A Selfie Than Four Days Work

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One model has revealed she earns more from one strategically placed selfie than she would from working for almost a week.


Gabby Epstein is ‘Insta-famous’ and uses that to promote products and earn money.


The 21-year-old has almost 700,000 followers on Instagram, and by placing endorsements in her pictures, she can earn thousands.


She spoke to the Gold Coast Bulletin and said:

I definitely earn more money from Instagram, 100 per cent.

About a year and a half ago I was travelling to Brisbane a lot for work and by the time you take out the agency’s 20 per cent, GST on commission and then tax, the model is left with little.

Some go through my management (London Management) but others I just send a general brief with some terms like, I have the discretion to delete a post after four weeks if I wish.


Once an Instagram user gets more than 100,000 followers, they are monitored by brands who eye them as potential advertising avenues, and that is exactly what happened to Gabby after she became ‘Insta-famous’.


She will advertise anything from clothes to food to jewellery, and frankly, for the amount of cash she’s making, most people wouldn’t blame her.