This Mother’s Poker Face As Daughter Practices Her Dance Moves In The Car Is Next Level


I think we’ve just found the most patient mum in the world.

This mother probably deserves some kind of award for putting up with her daughter’s weird antics.

In a new video shared on Tumblr, YouTube user ‘Isla The Great’ decided to occupy herself on a car journey by elaborately dancing to the likes of Lady Gaga’s ‘Bad Romance’ and Van McCoy’s ‘The Hustle’, while her poor mother attempts to focus on driving.

And her mum doesn’t get angry with this increasingly bizarre situation. She doesn’t even crack a smile, in fact.

It’s hard to decide which is more impressive really – Isla’s slick moves or her mother’s poker face.

Above all else though, let’s hope this leads to a video of both mother and daughter dancing on their next drive…