This New ‘Plant Simulator’ Game Is Designed To Make You Relax



If you’re anything like me, you get stupidly wound up playing video games. Perhaps ‘Viridi’ could be the game for us stressheads…

I tend to think of video games as being fast paced and intense, and they can often wind me up.

I’d be lying if I said I didn’t rage quit. Often.

A nice, calm, relaxing game might do me some good.

Enter ‘Viridi’. A plant simulator.


It follows in the footsteps of other simulator games, like Goat Simulator, Sim City, Rollercoaster Tycoon and y’know… Sims.

Ditching first person perspective, guns and violence, it focuses on surreal graphics to use plants to make you relax.

The game’s developer, Ice Water Games said:

Viridi is a safe haven, a place you can return to for a moment of peace and quiet whenever you need it.


You basically pick a pot, and some plants, then tend to them over a week a spray them with water. It’s like a hoticultural Tamogotchi.

Personally, I can’t see myself getting too hooked on this one, and with the new COD, Star Wars Battlefront and FIFA 16 on their way, it’ll take a lot to capture my attention. I’ll give it a go, though. It’ll take some doing to rage quit on this!

Hopefully, it’ll stop me from turning into this guy…