This Norwegian Rapper Sounds And Looks Like A Young Eminem


Norwegian rapper Mads Veslelia is gaining internet notoriety for sounding and looking suspiciously like a young Slim Shady.

Mads, 24, has a big following in his homeland of Norway, but is now starting to pick up interest further afield for being Eminem’s doppelgänger. While his vocals sound a bit like Slim, his mannerisms, blonde hair and clothing all scream Marshall Mathers. In a good way of course.

Veslelia is quick to shoot down any similarities between himself and Mathers, even taking to twitter to address the statements.

Comparisons aside, Veslelia is good enough to make it big off his own back – this guy has some serious talent. He live streams tracks to his YouTube followers every Sunday, all while putting in a waffle order with his grandma.

If you like what you hear, be sure to check out Mads Veslelia on his facebook page and show him some serious support – this guy nails it.