This landlord didn’t take kindly to people who don’t drink pints, barring 800 customers for being ‘hypocrites in cardigans’ who ‘only drink half pints’.
Steve Coxshall is the landlord of 300-year-old Duke of Hamilton pub in Hampstead, London. According to The Independent he was angry at Camden Council’s decision to list his pub as an Asset of Community Value (ACV).
Apparently this means if he wanted to sell the establishment the local community would be given the opportunity to raise the funds to buy it themselves – the process could take up to six months.
Mr Coxshall, the former manager of boyband Blue, is pissed off because if the business fails he’d have to wait half a year to sell it and pay his bills.

He told the Camden New Journal:
They are all barred from the pub. I bought it to save it. But if you’ve got a pub and there is an economic downturn, what is the point of an ACV if there is no business? If you have a six-month window where you can’t sell it, who is going to pay the bills?
Mr Coxshall added: “They haven’t put any money into the pub – they are just a bunch of hypocrites in cardigans. They don’t drink in here and if they do come in, they only order half pints.”
According to The Telegraph he has now threatened to turn it into a lapdancing club in revenge.