This Swedish Model Claims She’s Deemed Too Fat By The Fashion Industry

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Instagram/Agnes Hedengård

A Swedish model claims she’s deemed too fat to be considered for work.


Agnes Hedengård was a runner up on Sweden’s Next Top Model, but says she’s now constantly turned down for work during casting calls. The 19-year-old says she’s had to leave full-time modelling as a result.

Instagram/Agnes Hedengård
YouTube/Agnes Hedengård

She’s now hit back at critics in a YouTube video:


She has a body mass index (BMI) of 17.5 – considered underweight by medical experts – but says that if she wants to find work she’d have to slim down even further to meet the fashion industries crazy standards.

Instagram/Agnes Hedengård
Instagram/Agnes Hedengård

She says:

They think my butt is too big and they think my hips are too wide.

According to the modelling industry, you cannot look like this, you need to be thinner.

They are like ‘no, she’s too big, she needs to get into better shape, we won’t work with her’. My purpose of this video is to show everyone that a big part of the modelling industry thinks this is too big. It’s absurd and I hate it, and I just want other people to see this.

Instagram/Agnes Hedengård
Instagram/Agnes Hedengård

What a ridiculous – not to mention unhealthy – standard to set people.