Inside Vice HQ in London, there are plenty of people who work for Vice, and most, if not all of the staff there have a boss, who also works for Vice.
Starting in 1994 as a punk magazine titled Voice of Montreal, VICE Media eventually decided to branch out. Today, they are a popular youth media company operating in 36 countries, with hundreds of employees, all of whom work for Vice.
If you need further proof of this, someone has decided to create a Twitter account dedicated to Vice, which documents the day to day life of their employees, who all work at Vice.
Whoever you are, @iworkforvice, you have made our day.
i work for vice
— i work for vice (@iworkforvice) September 13, 2015
probably going to run into coworkers at this party. people who also work for vice
— i work for vice (@iworkforvice) September 20, 2015
where do you work?
that's cool.
oh, me?
vice.— i work for vice (@iworkforvice) September 21, 2015
i used to work for vice. still do, but used to, too
— i work for vice (@iworkforvice) September 22, 2015
i work with at lot of big personalities at vice
— i work for vice (@iworkforvice) September 22, 2015
one time at work, at vice, where i work
— i work for vice (@iworkforvice) September 22, 2015
my boss works for vice
— i work for vice (@iworkforvice) September 22, 2015