This Video Of Guys Shaving Their Girlfriend’s Legs Will Make You Panic



Guys are often accused of failing to understand what a girl has to go through to keep herself looking good – but one thing they should know all about is shaving.


Girls shave their legs, guys shave their faces – or some of them do – so to ask a set of couples to participate in an experiment where the guys shaved their girlfriend’s legs shouldn’t be too much of an ask – should it?

Judging by this video, it was a task and a half, and needless to say, it was a test of their relationship – and a bit of a trust exercise.



Looking at the results, I’m not too sure I’d let a man shave my legs anytime soon – but the girls did get some revenge.

After their partners had been let loose with a razor – to varying degrees of success, they were then told that their girlfriends would be getting their own back – by shaving their faces.