This Viral Photo Of Two People Hugging Is Driving The Internet Mad

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An old photo of two people hugging has got a whole new lease of life as a viral brain teaser. 


The mind bending image has got the Internet scratching its collective head because people can’t comprehend where one person’s limbs end and the other’s begin.


And you can see exactly why it’s so confusing:


Suffice to say, people cannot get their heads around it:

And the key to working the whole thing out – the guy is wearing multi-coloured shorts.

That’s right, it’s as simple as that, his shorts are blue/black on the outside and white down the middle.


But unlike your average brain teaser, everything lines up so perfectly that even after you’ve seen it you still struggle to make sense of it:


And it turns out the guy in the photo is pretty shocked that he’s gone viral:

Don’t hold your breath for that royalty cheque mate…