This Zoo Will Name A Cockroach After Your Ex For You

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Hate your ex? Look no further – the Bronx Zoo has your back.


For just $10 (or £6.80), you can name one of the zoo’s Madagascar hissing cockroaches after your ex partner.


You even get a digital certificate as proof that you’ve named a roach after someone you hate.


You could print it out and send it to your ex as a special touch, or just keep it for yourself, happy that there’s definitely a cockroach out there named after the person who broke your heart.


The zoo originally started it as something you could send as a Valentine’s Day gift, but it’s gained major popularity since. And while the option to send your certificate with a box of chocolates is now sold out, you can still name one of the creepy crawlies and get a certificate for evidence.


The Bronx Zoo also points out that your $10 or £6.80 donation will help protect the ‘misunderstood love bugs’ – so you’re really, you’re doing some good.

And if you’re worried all the roaches will be taken by the time you get around to naming one, don’t worry – the zoo says there are tens of thousands of roaches that remain nameless. It may be worth naming a few, then.


Want to commemorate your terrible ex? Name a cockroach after them here.