‘Time Traveller’ Claims Martin Luther King Jr’s Granddaughter Will Be Last American President

By :
CBS News/Apex Tv/YouTube

A man posing as a time traveller from 2045 has claimed America will have its last president in the next decade or so.


If you can suspend your disbelief for a mere moment in time, the yarn this guy spins sounds quite nice actually.

A man going by Adam Archon has taken to YouTube – the home of credible sources and pop culture commentary – to give us all sitting at home in 2019 a glimpse into the future, kind of like The Simpsons, but less entertaining.


So, here it is. The gospel according to Archon. He claims the final POTUS will be Martin Luther King Jr’s granddaughter and she’ll be elected in 2030.


In case you like your time travelling tales sprinkled with a few facts, her name is Yolanda Renee King and she’s 10 years old and pretty badass, actually.

In March 2018, for example, Yolanda invoked the words her grandfather spoke 55 years earlier at the March For Our Lives peaceful protest Washington, D.C. when she said, ‘I have a dream that enough is enough.’

Yolanda, standing alongside Parkland shooting survivor Jaclyn Corin, said, per CBS News:


My grandfather had a dream that his four little children will not be judged by the colour of the skin, but the content of their character.

I have a dream that enough is enough. And that this should be a gun-free world, period.

The rousing speech is certainly more than other potential presidential candidates, according to the Internet, have to offer.

With the skills of oration alone, let alone the nouse to understand a lot more about gun control in modern America than the second amendment itself, she sounds like a pretty great candidate.

So, onto Archon’s popular opinion.


In the video submitted to ApexTV and shared online, Archon says:

The last formal president of the United States is Yolanda King. She’s the best president the United States has ever seen.

It wouldn’t be hard, would it?

It’s up to you to decide whether he’s more or less credible than Marty McFly.


Archon does have other predictions, expressed elsewhere in the clip, during which Archon said he is travelled back to 2019 to reel off a bunch of events which will probably never happen.

You can take a guess for yourself after watching the video below:

Happy travelling, folks!

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