Turns Out Italian Mafia Have Been Working With ISIS

FaceThumb isis mafParamount Pictures / PA

An anti-terrorism chief has claimed that ISIS are working alongside the Italian Mafia to smuggle cannabis from North Africa into Europe.

The head of Italy’s anti-mafia and anti-terrorism committee, Franco Roberti, has said that there is solid proof that organised crime units in Italy and ‘suspected terrorists’ were trafficking weed together.

According to The Independent, the main route for hashish into Europe, stems back to Casablanca and Morocco, and then through to Algeria, Tunisia, and eastern Libya.

Isis 2 (2)YouTube

In an incredibly hypocritical deal for the terrorist group, weed is actually wholly against Sharia Law to either smoke or sell, but of course – the Islamic State is making millions from the deal with the mafia.

An IHS report published recently suggests that just less than seven per cent of ISIS’s overall funding comes from the drug trade. Whereas the mafia makes more than £25.3 billion from the selling of illegal drugs.

Cannabis buds and cigarette papersPA

Roberti sincerely believes that the decriminalization of cannabis would be a monumental weapon against both the terrorist group and the mafia and similar gangs.

 As reported by The Independent, the anti-mafia and anti-terrorism chief, said:

Decriminalisation or even legalisation would definitely be a weapon against traffickers, among whom there could be terrorists who make money off it.

Guess it’s only fitting that today is 4:20 then…