Turtle Delivers Brutal Justice On Man Trying To Kill Him

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This video captures a shocking moment of sweet revenge when a turtle that had been cut in half snapped its jaws shut tight around its killer’s forehead.


Intended for a dinner table, the blood soaked reptile had been brutally sawn into two separate pieces, but this really didn’t stop the turtle from clamping its jaws around the assailant – which clearly caused him a hell of a lot of pain.


The man can be seen wincing in agony as an onlooker forces the turtle from his forehead using what appears to be a screwdriver, reports the Mirror.


The video, which is thought to have been filmed in China, comes to a climax as the turtle is removed from the man’s head – and the man clutches his head in what appears to be pure discomfort.

It is thought that millions of turtles are consumed in China and Asia every year, and they are often used in soup and medicine.


To quote Randy from My Name Is Earl:

When you do good things, good things happen. When you do bad things, it will come back to get you.

Karma, bitch!
