It turns out that the white community has as much hatred for Donald Trump as the cultural groups he has offended with his remarks as the hashtag #WhitesAgainstTrump trended on Twitter.
In response to the terrifying presidential hopeful mobilising his supporters around policies that many view as blatantly racist, musician Heather Bentley created the #WhitesAgainstTrump hashtag last week, calling for fellow white people to stand up against the 2016 Republican presidential frontrunner.
#WhitesAgainstTrump hey White America, @realDonaldTrump is our dangerous disgusting problem weirdo. Let's shut him up while there's time
— Heather Bentley (@heatherbviola) December 9, 2015
The hashtag took off when comedian W. Kamau Bell tweeted it along with an article he wrote for Salon, asking white people to use the hashtag during the GOP debate – boosting its profile and leading it to trend on Twitter. Many people used it to express their concerns over how Trump has rallied supporters around race- and religion-based rhetoric.
White people, while you're watching & making fun of @realDonaldTrump on here how bout using #WhitesAgainstTrump? https://t.co/6vBazRzGxm
— W. Kamau Bell (@wkamaubell) December 16, 2015
As a white person, I'm horrified at having Trump seem to represent me. He does not. #WhitesAgainstTrump
— Meredith (@missbumptious) December 16, 2015
#WhitesAgainstTrump because he's just Mussolini with a worse hat. pic.twitter.com/Dush0ySbFt
— Samuel S. (@YoyodyneInc) December 16, 2015
I'm in full support of #WhitesAgainstTrump cause even white people are tired of his racist bs, and we aren't even the ones suffering for it.
— JoshSpeaksWithWords (@JoshGwiazdowski) December 16, 2015
As the hashtag trended, critics blasted Bell and called the amplification of #WhitesAgainstTrump itself racist.
Thank you for proving the point for us. #WhitesAgainstTrump #AndABlackGuyAgainstThisChump https://t.co/KC14UeZDC8
— W. Kamau Bell (@wkamaubell) December 16, 2015
@wkamaubell the fact that you say trump is the problem of white people is racist in and of itself. You sir are a racist.
— Bryce Velasquez (@brycycIe) December 16, 2015
No, I'm not. Try again. https://t.co/wVOzmsqEpI
— W. Kamau Bell (@wkamaubell) December 16, 2015
Trump and his supporters have been involved in a number of controversial incidents during the 2016 campaign after the wiggy maniac called to deport all 11.3 million illegal immigrants and video emerged capturing his supporters beating and calling a Black Lives Matter protester in Alabama racial slurs as he was removed from a rally.