U.S. Comedian Doug Stanhope Helps Stop Man Committing Suicide After Edinburgh Gig

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US comedian Doug Stanhope is not just a funny guy, he’s now a hero as well.

That’s because he managed to talk someone down from trying to kill themselves.


Stanhope had just finished his gig, and had only been in Scotland a matter of hours, when he passed a spot well known for its rate of suicides, and saw a man known as Angus, ready to end it all.

He spoke to Chortle, and said:

The word hero is a very strong word, especially the way I’m having it tattooed in 18-inch Gothic script across my back.

I will be wearing tights and a cape for the rest of the tour.


The incident took place at 11.30pm, and in a twist of fate, the comedian actually deals with suicide in his set, talking about how he helped his mother die in 2008, after her battle with emphysema.