The UK government has come under fire in the past week as calls to take in greater numbers of refugees intensify.
Well, figures published online have offered some positive PR to the governing bodies of the US and Britain based on official development assistance from 2013.
In the official list of governments providing development aid to countries in need, the US came first, providing $31.55 billion, and the UK second with $31.55 billion offered in aid.
The list is made up of three factors: Aid must be provided by the nations official sector (government), promotion of economic development and welfare is the main objective, and the terms of loans must be favourable to the developing nation.
Those figures are refreshing at a time when the charitable duties of our prosperous nation have been called into question.
Of course, these things are all relative, and when the figures are considered alongside the nation’s gross national income, Britain slips to fifth, whilst the US dramatically drops to 20th.
Norway tops the second list, offering 1.07% of its national income in aid. Sweden is second at 1.02%, Luxembourg third at 1%, while the UK provided 0.72% of its NI.
The US may have provided the greatest total amount, but in relative terms this was only 0.19% of their National Income.
Hopefully, these numbers will prompt greater understanding of what we as a nation do offer to those less fortunate – but they should also serve as a reminder that we are the ones in a position to help others.
Given the current refugee crisis, I’d implore anyone in a position to offer their help in some way, be it a financial donation or the giving of useful items to be taken to a refugee camp, to do so.