Vegan Activists Criticised For Placing ‘Dead Body’ Stickers On Chicken

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Vegan activists recently placed ‘dead body’ stickers on packets of sliced chicken at a supermarket, a move they have since been criticised for.

The stickers, which read ‘warning: this package contains the dead body of someone who wanted to live’ were plastered on packets of Primo thinly sliced chicken at a store in St Helena, near Melbourne, Australia.

Other meat and dairy products within the Woolworths store were also covered in the stickers on Friday (May 3), angering meat eaters who claim animal rights activists are going too far.

Since getting posted on social media by 3AW Melbourne, many meat eaters have criticised the stickers, claiming that chickens aren’t human and so shouldn’t be referred to as ‘someone’.


One person replied slamming the vegan activists, telling them not to equate animals with humans because ‘human life comes first,’ while another wrote, ‘DON’T tell us what we can or cannot eat’.

Another person took it one step further, saying the law should be changed for situations like this:

Its pretty simple to put a law in that anyone gets caught interfering with packaged good with no intention of purchasing, gets a $1000 fine for food tampering.

Yet another addressed all vegans, saying: ‘Vegans are quite welcome to label any of the meat that I eat. They are quite welcome to watch me devour a great piece of steak, I’d love them to see the juicy meat enter my mouth.’

The stickers can be bought on Etsy; a 42 pack costs AU$11 (around £6) while other variants of the sticker can be purchased for a similar price.


One of the stickers reads, ‘Warning: eating meat causes, cancer, heart disease, and erectile dysfunction’ while another says, ‘Warning: this package contains the decomposing corpse of a murdered animal’.

The seller claims the stickers, adhesives and inks used are all vegan friendly.


As per the site:

Stickervism is sticker activism. It is sticker bombing or sticker art that pushes a political agenda. It is a method of guerrilla marketing that is used to facilitate free communication with the general public. It is an incredibly cost effective way to promote the animal rights and vegan message. Even big corporations hire guerrilla marketing agencies to do sticker bombing!

What do you think – a good way to get peoples’ attention or one step too far?

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