Video Of Young Wolverine Fan With Cystic Fibrosis Meeting Hugh Jackman

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Notorious top bloke, Mr Hugh Jackman, took a break from exercising and making movies this morning to visit a young fan at a radio station.


Nine-year-old Dominic, from western Sydney, was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis when he was just a baby. He is a huge fan of Wolverine from the X-Men movies and thought he was only going to be having a chat on the phone to Hugh. But low and behold, the man of the hour rocketed into the room to bust out an action pose for Dominic.

The two then go on to have a nice chat. It’s a heart-warming video. Dominic’s enthusiasm is awesome. One thing I would say, the sexism early on in the video is courtesy of Kyle Sandilands, a known boofhead down under. I’m baffled as to why he keeps being handed a mic and money. Anyhow, I digress.


Checkout the niceness:

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