Video Shows Justin Bieber Falling Off Stage And It’s F*cking Hilarious



You normally shouldn’t take pleasure in anyone’s misfortune, but Justin Bieber falling off a stage is fucking hilarious.

There are just some things in life which guarantee laughs and Justin Bieber falling over in any way, shape or form is definitely something we all enjoy. This video in particular is one that you can’t stop watching, and it just gets better every time.

During his ‘Purpose Tour’ concert in Saskatoon, Canada on Thursday night, Bieber took a massive tumble straight off the stage and fell (presumably) on his ass.

For ultimate laughs keep playing it on repeat:

Fortunately for us, this isn’t the first time the Biebs has fallen.

During his concert in Kansas City in April, Bieber completely wiped out after running down a slope on stage made soaking wet from artificial rain. Smart.

Unfortunately for him, though, his fall made it pretty damn obvious that he was lip syncing. It must take so much talent to lip sync, dance and fall at the same time.