Possibly one of the worst ideas for a prank in the world… ever?
A crazy biohazard prank went horribly wrong in London after police thought these practical jokers were mistaken as terrorists.

The Trollstation pranksters had been performing stunts around the city, involving men dressed up in hazmat suits carrying what appears to be canisters of gas. They then pretend to attack actors posing as random members of the public before leaving them for dead.
With the UK understandably heightened to the threat of terrorism in recent years, especially in the capital, people were pretty fucking terrified by the incident.

Apparently, not everyone saw the funny side of the prank and a police officer issued a brutal warning to the group.
He said:
Think about it sensibly, like a sensible human being. If you came down as an innocent member of the public and saw four people in gas masks, you are going to absolutely crap your pants. You are lucky it’s just us and not a terrorism team armed with guns ready to shoot you.

Viewers of the five-minute clip were quick to express their opinions on YouTube, with Legitikitz saying: “As much as this was a good prank, it was well dangerous. Those innocent people could have suffocated from the gas they were using.”
Others were pretty unimpressed by the joke, with Jake Evans adding: “This was so shit it was embarrassing.”
Whilst another simply thought the group were fortunate they weren’t doing it across the pond… MegaShrooom said:”And this is why the British police are the best in the world. In America they would have been shot.”
They can definitely count themselves lucky this didn’t end in worse circumstances…