White Supremacist Cries After Finding Out There’s A Warrant For His Arrest


You would think proudly speaking about being a massive racist in a documentary would mean you were prepared for a negative backlash.

Apparently it’s not the case for some, specifically, cowardly white nationalist leader Christopher Cantwell.

People were understandably horrified by Christopher’s cockiness when he appeared in the mini-documentary about the recent violence in Charlottesville, alongside other white supremacists and neo-Nazis.

Showing no shame whatsoever, Christopher made the following vile brag to Vice News Tonight :

We’re not non-violent, we’ll fucking kill these people if we have to.

If his intention to commit violent acts wasn’t clear enough, he also made the following statement:

I’m carrying a pistol. I go to the gym all the time.

I’m trying to make myself more capable of violence!

Watch the full extent of Christopher’s arrogance below:

Despite being more than happy to dish out hate to others, Christopher clearly can’t handle the consequences and has backtracked massively after spewing his bigoted views.

Unsurprisingly, the police don’t take too kindly to a person openly encouraging violence and there is now a warrant out for his arrest.

After hearing the news, Chris released a tearful video discussing how scared he is of the police:

I’m terrified, I’m afraid you’re going to kill me, I really am.

Here’s an extract of Catwell’s video:

In a whiplash-inducing U-Turn, Christopher tried to portray himself as a peaceful protestor rather than a citizen who confuses hate speech with free speech:

I want to be peaceful. I want to be law-abiding. That was the whole entire point of this.

I’m watching CNN talk about this as a violent, white nationalist protest. We have done everything in our power to keep this peaceful!

Poor Chris eh…imagine being in a country where an angry group of people want to cause you pain and violence…