Well that’s it, Christmas is over. The leftovers are getting a bit stale and the glorious piss up of New Year’s Eve is still a few days away. Let’s be honest today is a shit day.
In fact, a study has found that December 28 may be the shittest day of the year – or as they call it, ‘Moody Monday’.
Today is also the day you’re most likely to be involved in some kind of family argument or blazing row. Specifically, 2.59pm is the time your most likely to start getting pissed off with your family. That’s pretty specific.

The reason is simple enough. A lot of us will be travelling back from visiting relatives and dealing with the inevitable return to work tomorrow / this week.
The day has been dubbed ‘Moody Monday’ by Kwik Fit who commissioned the poll of 2,000 Britons, with 42 per cent of people surveyed feeling that the season of goodwill ended on the car ride home from relatives.

Most people said that the criticism of relatives is what they’d argue about. With a total of 18 per cent of people saying this would tip them over the edge, while 15 per cent were annoyed by inappropriate behaviour (drunk people) and 14 per cent were likely to row over people not helping out around the house.
People also get annoyed at all the mess and clutter, according to 12 per cent of Britons, while the same percentage said that bad directions when travelling would cause tempers to fray.
Even worse is that 38 per cent said their minds usually turns to worries about over-indulgence and the year ahead.
29 per cent of Brits worry about their finances on Moody Monday, bulging waistlines concern 28 per cent of us but 14per cent pointed towards a post-Christmas anti-climax as a worry.

Some people felt the festive cheer might not have worked for them and returning to work would be a worry for 13 per cent of people while 12 per cent said they hadn’t properly relaxed over Christmas.
Paul Boulton of Kwik Fit urged motorists to be prepared and have a safety check before hitting the road and not to allow arguments to distract them.
He said: “Christmas is of course the most wonderful time of year, but it comes as no surprise that tempers can on occasion boil over in the car on the way back from several intense days of living at close quarters with family.”

More of a concept than a journalist, Tom Percival was forged in the bowels of Salford University from which he emerged grasping a Masters in journalism.
Since then his rise has been described by himself as ‘meteoric’ rising to the esteemed rank of Social Editor at UNILAD as well as working at the BBC, Manchester Evening News, and ITV.
He credits his success to three core techniques, name repetition, personality mirroring, and never breaking off a handshake.