This shocking image captures the moment a woman holds her child out of the window by its wrists, yelling “Wacko Jacko”.
The woman – who can not be named for the legal reasons – seemed to recreate the infamous Michael Jackson moment when he dangled his baby from a balcony of the Hotel Adlon in Berlin back in 2002.
The mother was sentenced to 16 weeks in jail for the incident – which happened earlier this year – at Hull Magistrates Court, East Yorkshire, claiming she did it when a Michael Jackson came on the radio the Hull Daily Mail reports.

She allegedly told police: “I’ve been stupid for dangling the child out of the window – I was having a Michael Jackson moment.”
This horrific situation only came to light after the child’s father saw photos on a mobile phone.
He said:
I saw what was on the picture and I was mortified, as you can imagine. I was sick, I felt ill. My kids are big, they are heavy, and I’m a big bloke, but it would take some strength for me to dangle my child out of a window – my child could have killed. I’m absolutely disgusted.

The woman – who is in her 20s – admitted exposing the child to danger when she made an appearance in court on Thursday, but she claimed the child was not at risk following the incident which took place in Hull.
In response, the District Judge Frederick Rutherford told the woman’s solicitor Dean Bower: “How your client can say the child would not be in any danger from what I’ve seen in the photographs is beyond belief.”
The woman, from Hull, was given a 16-week prison sentence, which has been suspended for 12 months. She is also required to undergo a 30-day rehabilitation programme under the supervision of the probation service.
Her solicitor described what she did was ‘plainly wrong’ and as a ‘moment of madness’.