Woman Crushes Watermelons Between Her Thighs On This Morning

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This Morning/ITV

A real life Xenia Onatopp (of Goldeneye fame) appeared on This Morning, this morning, leaving men everywhere terrified.


But instead of crushing the air out of an old sea captain, she crushed three watermelons with her power thighs.

This Morning/ITV

This was in celebration of the fact that The Guinness World Records turns 60 this year. The show had several record breakers on to showcase their skillset, including leg crusher Olga Liashchuk.

This Morning/ITV

Olga left hosts Phillip Schofield and Holly Willoughby struggling to keep it together after her demonstration, with Holly asking the logical question: “How do you find out you can do this sort of thing?”

And obviously Twitter had something to say on the matter: