Periods are a pretty taboo subject – no one really likes talking about them and even fewer women like having them.
But, such is life; and they are a perfectly natural part of being a woman for which, up until recently, the female half of the population have been unfairly taxed each and every month under the guise of tampons being a luxury item.
Enter Trollstation, who are at it again, and this time their YouTube prank has a social conscience, showing that – obviously – periods are no fucking luxury.
The prank sees an elegantly dressed woman – otherwise known as actress Amina Maz – walking the streets of London in a desperate search for a ‘luxury’ tampon.
Trollstation constructed the video in response to the 19-year-old Ryan Williams, who thinks women just can’t hold their periods in and ‘should be taxed and taxed again if feminists are going to keep being incontinent’.
Surrounded by strangers in the street, both male and female, she said:
See, you men don’t have to go through this!
You men are so lucky. You’re not like us women, we have to go through this every month.
As she fakes menstrual pains she screams, ‘I’m cramping up’ before unleashing oodles of fake blood all over Oxford Circus in London.

Amid the bustling traffic noise and the sound of local Londoners ignoring their fellow humans – trying with all their might to block out their now grisly surroundings – the woman wails, ‘I fucking hate you men!’

Onlookers stand by, jaws to the floor in shock, while others laugh and exclaim ‘She’s on her blob!’
Only one (rather gullible) passer by stopped to help the woman, now covered in fake blood and looking like she’s a little early to the Halloween party.
While I’m on board for anything the trolls meninists, the supposedly humorous video – dubbed a ‘social experiment’ – is actually a pretty shallow ploy for clicks, and I have a feeling the script writer doesn’t really understand what it’s like to be a woman at all.

A former emo kid who talks too much about 8Chan meme culture, the Kardashian Klan, and how her smartphone is probably killing her. Francesca is a Cardiff University Journalism Masters grad who has done words for BBC, ELLE, The Debrief, DAZED, an art magazine you’ve never heard of and a feminist zine which never went to print.