Yesterday a woman in Toronto parked in a handicap spot and got filmed doing so, then she got mad.
Outside a Tim Hortons coffee and doughnuts shop in Canada, a man, known as Ryan Favro, approached a woman as she headed back to her car which was illegally parked in a disabled space, according to the Toronto Sun.
Armed with his mobile phone, the recorder asks ‘so why’d you park in handicap spot? Are you handicapped?’

She replies with a quick denial before trying to rush past and get back into her car.
But the filmer persists, and continues to as her, ‘what makes you so special?’.
Then the woman flips out and launches a tirade of abuse at the guy, shouting ‘back the fuck up!’ before throwing what appears to be two cups of coffee at him.

It’s almost like the woman in this clip was in some sort of competition for biggest bellend of the day, although unfortunately for her Katie Hopkins nabbed the top spot with her recent pungent twitter comments.
As the clip draws to an end, the recorder tells the culprit that he’s taking the footage to the police, and she speeds away out of view.
She’s not a very good human being….