A woman from the US has spoken out about her decision to refuse her dying grandad a kidney, on account of him being a Ku Klux Klan member and a paedophile.
The woman revealed she had been the only match for her grandad when he needed a kidney. However, she refused to make the donation, explaining, ‘I don’t grow kidneys for Klan members and pedos’.
On the very same day of her grandad’s death – when she was just 16 – the woman signed up to be an organ donor. She is now planning on giving one of her kidneys to a complete stranger.

Writing her startling story via the Facebook group I Dream Of Being This Petty, the poster – who works as a nurse – revealed:
My grandfather died when I was 16 because I refused to give him a kidney. I was the only match. I refused because he was in the Klan and molested children, and I don’t grow kidneys for Klan members and pedos.
I registered as a live donor the day he died and I’m donating to a complete stranger next year instead. My boss said I’m a d***.
Despite some criticism, plenty of people empathised with, and even applauded her ‘badass’ decision; noting how it was her body to choose what to do with.
Many said the grandad in question should not have expected her to undergo such a serious procedure for him based on their blood connection; remarking on how his terrible deeds could be said to override any familial bond.

One person approved:
As a living donor, thank you for saving your organ for someone worth it. You’re going to have a huge ass scar and whatever you do, do not get pregnant 6 weeks later or it will lead to multiple failed abdominal reconstructions, but that shit is on me. Lol.
Another commented:
That’s your kidney so you do whatever you want with it. You have no reason to reduce your lifespan for a bad person. I wish I had this level of courage because I’d certainly not handle people guilt-tripping me.

According to data from the National Kidney Foundation, 13 people die in the US every day while awaiting a life-saving kidney transplant, with a new person being added to the kidney transplant list every 14 minutes.
Many of us would like to think we would be brave enough to donate a kidney to a loved one, but making this sacrifice for a person we have never met before is truly extraordinary.
This woman has done a truly amazing thing by choosing to donate her kidney to a stranger, a feat of altruism beyond the comprehension of many of us.
If you have a story you want to tell send it to UNILAD via [email protected]

Jules studied English Literature with Creative Writing at Lancaster University before earning her masters in International Relations at Leiden University in The Netherlands (Hoi!). She then trained as a journalist through News Associates in Manchester. Jules has previously worked as a mental health blogger, copywriter and freelancer for various publications.