Woman Tries Bribe Police With £4, Flashes Bum, Becomes Viral Superstar


This young woman’s attempt to bribe police out of a drink driving incident has caused her to become an absolute viral sensation.


Footage has been released of the Mexican woman, named as Lorena Daniela Aguirre, after she was pulled over by police for ploughing into a row of cars, The Mirror reports.

The 18-year-old was less than impressed when she was stopped, and quickly offered up a 100 peso (£4) bribe to the officer. The note was refused but the girl tried again, and again – and again.


It’s hard to tell what’s actually going on in the video because the whole thing is in Spanish, but it’s pretty obvious that things don’t go Aguirre’s way.

It ends up like this:


And – whether or not on purpose – she also flashes her behind while being dragged away by police.

Possibly as a last attempt at a bribe, possibly just a wardrobe malfunction:


Since going viral, Aguirre has come to be known as ‘Lady 100 pesos’ – and literally everyone is talking about it.

She’s already been trending on Twitter, has 9 fake Twitter accounts and a Facebook following of 112,000, and a pinata modeled after her.

A few days after the footage was released, someone even created an Android app where Lady 100 pesos has to dodge police by throwing 100 Peso notes at them. It’s called – unsurprisingly – Lady 100 Pesos if you want to download it.


However, most people are are shaming Lady 100 pesos, with people on Twitter saying we shouldn’t condone making someone famous for drink driving – which is true.

Considering the damage she did to the other vehicle, there’s no wonder people are shaming her.

While the video is definitely entertaining, it shouldn’t condone drink driving.

Watch the full thing here (skip to 1:27 to see the damage and her attempt at a bribe):