Woman’s Genius Plan Saved Lives Of Her Family In Grenfell Tower Fire


A mother who was in Grenfell Tower as it was ablaze has revealed how her quick thinking actions saved her and her six-year-old daughter.

Natasha Elcock, who was on the 11th floor of the burning building was trapped inside, along with her daughter and partner.

The trio were trapped until 3am when fire crews finally managed to find them and lead them to safety.


Quick-thinking Natasha ran her bath and let it overflow to dampen the floors.

They obeyed signs telling them to stay put but after an hour and a half, fire crews told them over the phone to get out.

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The mother-of-one said:

I let the bathroom flood –  it kept the flat damp – it may have saved our lives.


Natasha, who’s been a resident for 20 years said:

We tried the door but it was too hot.

We had our little girl on the wet floor and we went to the coldest room.

The door was buckling and the windows bubbling and cracking. It was terrifying.


Natasha revealed that she rang for help ‘almost 100 times’, once being put through to call handlers in Glasgow.

The trio had to step over a body in order to escape before going to hospital with smoke inhalation.

Police have told people who are concerned about friends or relatives who may have been in the building to call the Casualty Bureau on 0800 0961 233