WTF? McDonald’s Denies That Happy Meal ‘Minions’ Toys Are Swearing

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There have been complaints by parents about a toy given out with McDonald’s Happy Meals to promote the new ‘Minions’ movie, with some customers claiming it sounds like the figure uses swear words.

McDonald’s introduced the toys last month in conjunction with the new film and have now had to issue a statement saying the figures are speaking nonsense, rather than anything offensive.


Concerned Ohio parent Taylor King believes the Minion figure in question said the phrase, “What the f*ck” but McDonald’s refutes those claims, saying that the Minion Caveman toy makes three sounds – “para la bukay”, “hahaha” and “eh eh”.

McDonald’s says “a very small number of customers” have been in touch with the company about the toy.

A spokeswoman for McDonald’s, Lisa McComb, says there are no plans to take the toys out of distribution, and the promotion is intended to run until the end of July.


In a statement, the company said:

Our goal at McDonald’s is to serve up food and fun for our valued customers, and we’re glad to have the Minions on board.

You can judge for yourself whether you think the Minion says the questionable phrase in the video above.