I have been intrigued by 3D-printing for a fair while now, as has pretty much everyone since it started to become more and more mainstream in the past couple of years, so when I stumbled upon this post on Imgur, I was immediately interested.
Well, it turns out the images are actually from a supermarket in the UK, where 3D-printing ‘pods’ are being set up and tested out with the public – but some people will probably consider it to be pretty expensive.
For £95 you can get an incredibly detailed 7-inch figurine of yourself, and if you’re like me (very easily pleased), you will find them seriously cool…
The prices differ, of course, depending on the size of the person and how many people you want to be involved in the ‘moment’, but the results are incredible. These are definitely the photos of the future!
Current reports are that these pods have been set up in various supermarkets across the UK and will most likely make a visit to your local branch soon enough – providing you don’t live in the sticks.
And if you’re skeptical about getting one done yourself, just remember, Keanu Reeves loves it…