A couple who are famous for uploading prank videos on their YouTube channel, DaddyOFive, have been charged with child neglect.
Michael and Heather Martin are now facing two charges of mistreating two of their five children between November 2016 and April this year.
The couple have removed the prank videos from the channel, which has more than 737k subscribers and have uploaded an apology admitting they made some ‘terrible parenting decisions’.
The description of the apology video, entitled ‘DaddyOFive Founders Issue Public Apology’, reads:
What started out as family fun and entertainment took on a life of its own. Before we knew it, we were caught-up in our family’s popularity which led to some poor decisions.
Upon reflection, we realise there were mistakes made that caused our family some pain; we offer our most humble and sincere apology to those we negatively impacted and offended, particularly our wonderful children. Our children are safe.
Off camera and out of character, they are normal, happy kids who play sports and love being with their family and friends.
The couple’s attorney, Stephen Tully, said a plea agreement had been reached but he declined to provide any details, the Frederick News Post reported.

There are a number of videos which include clips of some of the couple’s pranks, posted by other users on Youtube, accusing the parents of taking it ‘too far’ and ‘tormenting’ the children.
Another video has also been posted on the DaddyOFive channel telling subscribers it will be back but in the meantime to go to Ms Martin’s MommyOFive channel.
The could could face five years in prison as well as a $5,000 fine if they are handed the maximum sentence.

A plea hearing will take place on 11th September