Don’t panic, but an enormous black hole has been spotted in the sun.
Seriously, don’t worry, it’s all fine. Honest. Despite how terrifying this all looks, NASA says that it won’t spell the end of our solar system. Phew.
NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory released this jaw-dropping ultraviolet image a few days back, with their scientists insisting that this coronal hole won’t harm us here on Earth.
They also grabbed some incredible footage of the ‘monstrous’ hole painting almost half of the sun’s visible surface completely black.
According to NASA, coronal holes are ‘low-density regions of the sun’s atmosphere’ and due to their lower temperatures appear to be much darker than its surroundings.
The human eye is unable to see coronal holes, but are visible in the ultraviolet light spectrum and can be recorded using certain cameras, telescopes, and other specialised scientific instruments.
However, conspiracy theorists are concerned that this latest phenomenon could be a sign that the sun is disintegrating: <—— click on this link. Are there holes in our sun? NASA's discovers holes in the sun which are HUGE!! #KASlogs
— Christina D'souza (@christinad92001) May 27, 2016
Sun disintegrating?
@DRUDGE_REPORT @AmaliaDiaz93 Now that u mention it, it does feel a little cold today. Wait till after summer to disintegrate, Sun!!
— MAGICAL NINJA (@MagicMetalNinja) May 27, 2016
@DRUDGE_REPORT I’m not worrying about it. If it blows up or blows itself out, we’ll not last long enough to matter.
— Dale Alan (@USMC6591) May 27, 2016
If it is we’re fucked— bulldogamador (@bulldogamador1) May 27, 2016
I think it’s okay to say that we’re all safe, for now.