Scientists Find ‘Proof’ That Moses Actually Parted The Red Sea

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I’m sure we all got taught the story of Moses parting the Red Sea when we were in primary school. 

The Biblical story tells of how in 1250 B.C. Moses was leading the Israelites in a daring escape from the Egyptian Army but when they approached the Red Sea, which was utterly impassable, Moses held out his staff and God separated the sea to allow the Israelites to get across safely on dry land.

According to the Daily Star, once the Israelites had safely came across, the sea came crashing back in killing all of the Egyptians.

However, despite the majority of people dismissing this story as fictional, or as a metaphor for the power of God, scientists (of all people) have claimed that there is ‘mounting evidence’ suggesting there may be a lot of truth in the story.

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Not too long ago, a Swedish scientist known as Dr Lennart Moller led a team of researchers and an American TV crew in the footsteps of Moses and the Israelites as they tried to escape from the Egyptian Army.

At one point, the TV crew and the scientists investigated the bottom of the Red Sea and weirdly, they came across dozens of ancient Egyptian relics belonging to the Egyptian army.

More proof for the parting of the Red Sea stems from Dr Ron Wyatt, an archaeologist who in 1978 claimed to have photo-evidence of golden chariots and fossilised human and horse bones on the bottom of the sea bed.

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Another explanation for the parting of the Red Sea, and perhaps a more logical one, was documented by Carl Drews, who in an article for the Public Library of Science journal argued that there was simply an incorrect translation in the bible which means Moses did not actually part the Red Sea.

What he believes happened is that incredibly strong winds had separated the water of a nearby lake in the ancient city of Tanis, thus creating a risky but dry path to walk across for around four-kilometres.

Carl claims that this would have been possible due to something called a ‘wind setdown’ which occurs when winds which are over 60mph are able to push against one side of water and separate it from another.

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He then believes that the wind may have coincidentally died down once the Israelites had crossed the dry path and in turn drowning the Egytian Army.

Due to strong beliefs in religion at that time the weird phenomena would have undoubtedly been credited to God and thus documented as if God had indeed conducted the miraculous act.