The Seeding Finger Gives Women A Penis On Their Hand So They Can Impregnate Themselves


Women can now ‘impregnate’ themselves using a device called the ‘Seeding Finger’, according to reports.

According to Designboom, the ‘finger’ is the idea of South Korean industrial designer and artist, Koo Hyeonjeong, whose intention is to enable women of the future to ‘self-impregnate’.

Hyeonjeong, the founder of hj-9 Studio has created a series of different biotechnological concepts including the ‘finger’, and a co-incubator system.

hi-9 Studio

The seeding finger consists of three separate elements, a ‘pocket to generate sperm’, a ‘tube’, and a ‘stem’ to inject semen.

hi-9 Studio says the sperm pouches are ‘planted on the outside of the palm and semen-bearing stems are implanted in the middle finger, and the tube connects the two to deliver the semen’.

On the hi-9 Studio website, the description reads:

Normally, when pressure is applied to the fingers while being contracted, the blood that flows into the stem is expanded and the sponge body expands and becomes longer. You can then fix the sperm from the tip of your middle finger by inserting it into the vagina.

In general, Seeding Finger trains the function of prosthetic to functional biomaterials and makes them specialized in their role. However, if the biomaterial is not suitable for an individual, it can be produced by taking and using the cell of the person.

Conventional prosthodontics have been developed to improve the natural function of an organ without functioning properly.

It continues to explain:

But the discourse that The Seeding Finger will bring will be a catalyst to redefine the relationships and reality of people beyond discussions about the direction of biotechnology.

This is only the beginning, and we must lead to a public debate on how to define ourselves in rapidly changing technology and society, and what alternative norms will be needed.

As you can imagine, there would be implications. And the website says there are three fundamental issues.

Which are:

1. Pregnant women without a third party’s intervention changes the concept of existing family ideology, single-parent families, and same-sex couple assumptions. This will also change the policy of welfare units.

2. By being able to have two types of penis through this prosthesis, the notion of innate sex will change.

3. Maximize the pleasure, subjectivity and identity of women through this prosthesis.

The Seeding Finger explores the possibilities of how our identities can be expanded and how people’s perceptions and social networks will change if our bodies change with biotechnology.

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No, this is way too much ‘weird’ for me. I’m very much in support of technology and medical advance to help women conceive if they can’t naturally, but this screams creepy.

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